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August 2016

Matt Fout

To the Good People of OSTA, It was great to get back to Willard this month. We had a respectable turnout of 80 shooters on Saturday and 65 shooters on Sunday. Well over half the shooters on Saturday were non-members. For the weekend the mix was about fifty-fifty for members and non-members. The crew at Willard had everything looking great and served us up some good food. Thanks to everyone at Willard for making an enjoyable shoot. We have been invited back for next year if we can fit it into the schedule. We had a nice turnout for the meeting on Saturday. We discussed possible shoot locations again for next year. Hopefully, I will have a tentative schedule for next year by the end of our next shoot. We also discussed going to shows (free or low cost to set up) to help promote traditional archery and OSTA. I believe this would be a good idea and if we can get a group together to hit some of these events I think it could be beneficial. If someone would like to take the lead on this or for any given event, let me know. Discussion was had on the proposed change to the arrow rule. We heard a wide variety of opinions and justifications for both sides of the issue. This issue will be voted on at the State Shoot next month. A simple majority vote will be used to vote on this issue. The proposed change will allow any arrow material for any class. The full proposal was in last month’s newsletter. If anyone needs a copy to review please contact me. The need to fill the office of Secretary for next year is upon us. Ted will be vacating that office after the banquet. No nominations for that office have been made to date. As I mentioned at the meeting, if we do not have a secretary we will have to make several changes to our club and how we operate. Probably the biggest change will be that we will no longer do competition. I’m not sure just yet how we will handle memberships, mailings and other correspondence. This is a vital position to the club and we need someone or possible two people to step up and fulfill the duties of Secretary. The office of President is also open for nominations. The State Shoot is upon us already. It seems like this year has just flown by and now we find ourselves preparing for our big shoot. I stopped in at Claylick after the Willard shoot and everything is looking good. There will be some changes to the course layout this year compared to last year. There should be plenty of camping and the shower house is up and running. Please remember that if you do hook up to electric at Claylick it would be respectable to give donation to help offset the electric costs for the weekend. We are still in need of items for door prizes, raffles and the Scott Gensert Memorial Kid’s Fund Auction. If you find some good deals on items for door prizes please contact me before purchasing so I can keep track of everything. If anyone has bows ect. for the raffle please let me know what you have. We would like to have some nice quality items for the auction as well. Remember, Claylick has allowed us to start a “Memorial Tree” to shoot arrows into to honor the memory of those we shared many great moments with. This can be done on your own time or I may possibly come up with a time (Sunday morning after Church service?) to do a group type shooting of memorial arrows if folks would like to shoot and share memories with others. I have included a flyer for the State Shoot so feel free to share with others, print them off to display at clubs, shops or post on the interweb. I hope to see you all at the shoot. Matt 740-493-3129
State Shoot Flyer
Here is a kink to the map for Claylick.

OSTA Shoot Schedule

2016 Shoot Schedule OSTA Banquet March 6 Claylick Bowhunters Heath Fun Shoot April 2 - 3 Apache Bowhunters Lockbourne May 7 - 8 Ross County Bowhunters Chillicothe, Oh June 4 - 5 Blackhoof Bowmen Jamestown, Ohio July 9 - 10 Rushcreek Sportsmen Belle Center August 6 - 7 Willard Conservation Club Willard September 3 - 4 OSTA STATE SHOOT Claylick Bowhunters Newark
Don’t forget to bring your canned goods / non perishable food items with you to each shoot. Items are give to the local club to donate or distribute to the needy in their area.
Thanks for helping OSTA to give back to the communities we visit.

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